Our group is getting ready to start wiring 2 Anode Plane Assemblies (APAs) for the SBND experiment. We are performing this construction work in the newly renovated Wright Laboratory at Yale University, where we collaborate with the group led by Bonnie Fleming. This February, after many trips to Yale over the past year by Mitch/Pip/Avinay, we have completed the construction of the wiring apparatus, and look forward to starting production soon!
Run-Co Pip
The “Bird Plot”
Jessica Esquivel gave a very nice update last week at the MicroBooNE collaboration meeting about her work to use “deep learning” tools to separate muons and pions in the CC-Inclusive cross-section analysis. She included this animation, which shows a “deep learning” algorithm learning how to distinguish between five different particle types. This work was done using the SUrge GPU cluster at Syracuse University.