Group Alumni News

We’re very happy to highlight the success stories of a few of our group alumni!

Former postdoctoral researcher Jonathan Asaadi is now an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington, doing great things with pixel readout for LArTPCs, and we were happy to have him back last week for the SU Physics Department colloquium.  It was a great presentation, and gave everyone lots of fun ideas to consider for the possibilities with pixels in future huge LArTPCs.

Former graduate student Jessica Esquivel is now a postdoctoral researcher at Fermilab, working on g-2, and aside from the awesome science she is doing she is also one of the organizers of the Black In Physics group which is organizing a week of great events NEXT WEEK.  Check it out:

Ohana elected to FSPA

We’ve been very bad about posting updates to this page, so over the next weeks I’ll be posting some group highlights from the past year.

Let’s start with some very recent good news.  Ohana was elected to the Fermilab Student and Postdoc Association.  Congratulations Ohana!  She joins good company, as current group members Monica and Abhilash, and former group member Jessica Esquivel, have served on the FSPA.  Fermilab’s young people are in good hands with these excellent folks representing.

Abhilash awarded funding from URA Visiting Scholars Program

Graduate student Abhilash Yallappa Dombara has received an award from the Universities Research Association Visiting Scholars Program. He’ll be relocating to Fermilab soon to focus on the NOvA test beam program, including detector commissioning, operations, and data analysis to better understand systematic uncertainties in NOvA’s long-baseline neutrino oscillation program.

Congratulations, Abhilash!

Help Wanted!

Interested in doing some undergraduate research in Physics? Prof. Soderberg is looking to hire 1 or 2 undergraduate researchers for up to 10 hours/week in the Fall 2019 semester. Work involves hands-on activity in the lab, as well as potential projects in machine shop and 3D printing. No prior research experience or significant Physics knowledge required! Majors and non-Majors welcome. Contact Prof. Soderberg for further details.

Avinay wins a Prize!

Avinay Bhat took home the 3rd place prize for his entry in the poster session at the 52nd Annual Fermilab Users Meeting last week.  Congrats to Avinay!